These are challenging times with school closures focusing attention on how to provide equitable emotional, physical, and educational support for students from a distance. To help with the question of educational support in mathematics, we are providing resources and we conducted short online workshops in the hope they help you provide mathematical learning opportunities for your students who are English learners (ELs)*. This information is drawn from our work with grades 6–8 mathematics teachers and English learner specialists as part of the Visual Access to Mathematics (VAM) project at Education Development Center (EDC).

We believe that the same underlying principles and strategies from regular classroom instruction should be taken into consideration when navigating a remote learning situation. Specifically, when engaging students in mathematics, it remains critical to ensure that all students are having access to active problem solving and mathematical communication in line with the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Classroom strategies that support student access to the language of challenging tasks, or that support students to share their thinking, can be adapted for remote learning.

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